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Policies & Guidelines


If you miss a day, you miss a lot! Regular attendance is critical to your success at Knights Academy. We have committed ourselves to an active learning approach to instruction; therefore, it is critical that you are present each day for discussions, labs, field trips, etc.


An excused absence is considered something that is beyond a student’s control. Illness is considered an excused absence only if a parent calls the Knights Academy office at (763) 497-6575 on the day of the absence to verify. Excessive absences due to illness may require a doctor’s verification. Knights Academy reserves the right to determine whether absences are excused or unexcused. We encourage you to make appointments outside the school day, but in the event that you need to make an appointment during the school day, we ask that you bring a note from the doctor's office, dental office, etc.

Three unexcused absences in a class will result in your class credit being cut in half. For example, if you have 3 unexcused absences in a .50 credit class, you will earn .25 credit rather than .50 credit. Three tardies equal 1 absence.


Please be on time for class. Three tardies equal 1 absence.


Students must sign in when they arrive at school and indicate whether they want hot lunch or not.

Absence Line: (763) 497-6575

Students are expected to verify all absences with the office paraprofessional.  Parents must contact Knights Academy the day of the absence. An absence will be considered unexcused until it is verified by a parent. Please schedule appointments outside the school day.

Cell Phone Policy

Appropriate use of cell phones include:

  • Listening to music during work time. Music must not be audible to anyone in the room but yourself. It is NEVER appropriate to listen to music during class discussions or when a teacher is addressing the class
    During breaks or during lunch.
  • When instructed to do so by a teacher for a class activity.

NOTE: At no time are students to record pictures or videos of students or adults without consent. The use of a personal electronic device or any device capable of taking photographs and videos is not allowed in restrooms. These devices include but are not limited to cell phones, cameras, PDA devices, and other such technology.

School and Classroom Policies

  • If you choose to use your phone during a class, or you cause a disruption to others, the classroom teacher will ask you to bring it up, place it on their desk or in a designated area for you to pick up at the end of class. If you refuse to do so, this will be treated as insubordination. You will be asked to speak with the Director who will take your phone for the remainder of the school day.
  • If an electronic device is being used in a way that may be potentially breaking a school policy, the administration may look at the pictures, messages or other content (see District Policy 502).

Chemical Health Policy

Chemical use is a threat to the well being of students—both their safety and health. Every student at Knights Academy has a right to learn. The misuse of chemicals may interfere with the learning environment as well as the welfare of the entire alternative program

  • Students are expected to come to school free from the influences of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances. The use, possession, or transference of any controlled substance or paraphernalia associated with the use of controlled substances is a violation of school policy. Students may not have a prescription or over the counter medications in their possession. This policy applies to the school building and school grounds (parking lots are on school grounds). Suspicion of being under the influence of chemicals will be written up and brought to the attention of the Program Director and Advisor. Reasonable suspicion may result in dismissal from school.
  • Students may not engage in discussion about drug use unless it is part of a discussion led by a teacher.
  • Students may not use tobacco or nicotine of any kind in the school building, on school grounds, or at school functions. This includes cigarettes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, or any other product containing tobacco or nicotine.

Closing of School

Please watch local news stations in the morning if the weather is questionable. If the St. Michael/Albertville Schools are closed, it will be posted on local stations.

Computer/Internet Usage

Students receive a copy of the computer and internet usage agreement upon entrance to the program. Inappropriate Internet use will result in loss of computer privileges. Knights Academy computers are available to students for school work only.


Student drivers are expected to drive responsibly and safely and must have a parking permit in your vehicle. The Wright County Sheriff will be notified of persistent reckless driving habits and driving privileges may be revoked. We have preschool children and moms coming in and out of the building so it is critical that you drive safely and slowly.

Student parking is located in the lower parking lot at the Community Education building. Students must only park in the designated student parking areas. Students may not park in the visitor’s parking spots (first 4 spots in each row). Any student vehicle parked anywhere other than the student lot during school hours may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Patrols, Inspections, and Searches

School officials may conduct routine patrols of school district locations and routine inspections of the exteriors of the motor vehicles of students. If we suspect that a search of the interior of a student vehicle will uncover something illegal or against school policy, we may, without notice conduct a search, without a search warrant.

Entering & Exiting the Building

Students must enter and exit the building using door C before school begins. If arriving after school begins, the security system will be enabled and students will have to use door D. Students will always leave using door C.


Unless special permission is granted, guests are not allowed during the school day at Knights Academy.

Late Work Policy

Please turn your assignments in on time. Late work will be deducted 20%. Further deductions for significantly late work is at the teacher’s discretion. Since we have a much lighter homework load than the high school, and we give you time in class to complete most assignments, our expectation is that you turn your work in on time. Students who have missing assignments will be required to stay for study hall from 2:00-3:00 PM each Friday.


Lockers are the property of ISD 885 and are on loan to the students. Students receive and sign a locker agreement form at registration. A student is expected to use the locker assigned to him/her.


If students are on a prescription medication, it needs to be in the original marked container and kept in the program office. Parents need to deliver the prescription medication to the Knights Academy office. We are not allowed to give aspirin or Tylenol to students without a parent’s permission. Students are not allowed to have any over the counter medications in their possession.

Parent Involvement

We work as a team at Knights Academy. For students to find success here it is critical that the staff, students, and parents work together as a team. Please work with us by attending parent nights and conferences, sharing concerns, and calling if your student will be absent.