Junior Information
In a student's junior year, it is important to start thinking about their future after high school. The goal of the information below is to get students thinking about life after high school. Click on the links below to help guide you with your post-secondary pathway.
Junior Year Timeline
- Start your post-high school planning
- Attend the National College Fair in the fall.
- Consider taking the PSAT/National Merit Scholar Qualifying exam (strongly recommended to students in the top 33% of class).
- Collect college brochures, view books, website information – organize information (start a “college folder”).
- Attend your Junior Seminar with your counselor to explore career options and research colleges.
- Attend meetings with college representatives in the guidance office during SNAP.
- Get registration information for ACT (www.actstudent.org) and SAT (www.collegeboard.com) exams- also available in the guidance office.
- Obtain PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program) information (class rank must be in the top 50% for senior year) if interested and set up a parent meeting.
- Investigate requirements for admission to colleges that you are interested in and schedule college visits.
- Register carefully for senior year classes and check graduation requirements for high school. Make sure you have the necessary preparation requirements for college.
- In the spring take the ACT (April and/or June) and/or SAT (March and/or May).
- Find a summer job or internship.
- Get reference letters from summer jobs, internships, or special activities.